Must/Have to /Need to |
How to use Must/Have to /Need to .(الاستخدام)
A lot of students get confused and make mistakes when they talk about necessity.They do not Know which one of these words they should use.Many of them get confused because of ''Have to'' and ''Must''.Others do not know when they should use ''Need to''.We are going to talk about the use and meaning of everyone of them.
العديد من الطلاب يخطئون حين يستخدمون have to/must/need to ولا يعرفون كيف يستخدمونهم ولا الفرق بينهم وفيما يلي سوف نقوم باستعراض الفرق بين هذه الكلمات بالتفصيل.
1)Must /Have to يجب
A lot of English learners do no know the difference between ''Must'' and '' Have To''. Actually,there is no actual difference;they are the same,although many grammar books mention differences. We will try to differentiate between them. We use '' Must'' and '' Have to'' when we talk about necessity.They mean '' It is necessary to do some thing'' .
العديد من الطلاب لا يعرفون الفرق بين must /have to .في الواقع لا يوجد فرق فعلي بين الاثنين ولكن سوف نقوم بالتفرقه بينهم .must /have to تعني من الضروري ان .هذا يعني انهم يشيرون الي الالزام.
Positive Form
Must /have to + Infinitive
I must go to the doctor .= It is necessary to go to the doctor.
You have to visit your father.=It is necessary to visit your father.
She has to get a new job.=It is necessary to get new job.
We will have to make new medicine.=It will be necessary to make new medicine.
They will have to do their homework. =It will be necessary for them to do their homework.
The difference between Must /Have to:
الفرق بين Must/Have to .
Must | Have to |
More formal اكثر رسميه |
Formal informal رسمي/غير رسمي |
More common in Uk اكثر شيوعا في بريطانيا |
More common in USA أكثر شيوعا في الولايات المتحده |
Negative Form
2) Do not have to /Must not
We use it when we talk about lack of present necessity .We have to Focus on the difference between '' Do not have to '' and '' Must not'' because there is a big difference between them.
1-Do not have to ليس مضطر الي
''Do not have to'' means that it is not obligated to do something; if you do it ,it is okay.If you do not do it,you will not face consequences.
do not have to تعني انه ليس مضطر لفعل شيئ ما .اي انه لن يواجه عواقب اذا فعل ذلك.لا يوجد الزام فعلي.
Do/Does not have to +infinitive
You do not have to come with us.=It is not necessary to come with us.
انت لست مضطر للقدوم معنا.=ليس من الضروري ان تاتي معنا
She does not have to cook everyday .=It is not necessary for her to cook everyday.
هي ليست مضطره للطبخ كل يوم =ليس من الضروري بالنسبه لها ان تاتي عنا
They do not have to work alone.=It is not necessary for them to work alone .
هم ليسوا مضطر ين للعمل كل يوم.=ليس من الضروري ان يأتوا كل يوم
2-Must not يجب الا /لا يجب
'' Must not '' is used when something is obligated,and there are consequences.If you do it ,you will face consequences.It is used with rules and law.
must not تستخدم عندما يكون شيئ ما الزام بواسطه القانون او القواعد.واذا تم فعله سوف يكون هناك عواقب.
Must not +Infinitive
You must not throw rubbish in the street .=It is not allowed to throw rubbish in the street.
لا يجب عليك ان تلقي القمامه في الشارع =ليس من المسموح القاء القمامه في الشارع
She must not come late.=It is not permitted to come late.
لا يجب ان تاتي متاخرا=لا يسمح بالقدوم متاخرا
Mike must not insult his classmate=It is forbidden to insult his classmate.
لا يجب علي مايك اهانه زميله.=انه من الممنوع ان يهين مايك زميله
Must not = It is not allowed = It is forbidden=It is not permitted.
Need to احتاج الي
''Need to'' means that it is important to do something. It is not obligated at all .
تعني انني احتاج الي عمل شيئ ما زاي انه من المهم عمل ذلك الشيء.امر ليس الزامي.
Need to +Infinitive
I need to finish my homework.= It is important for me to finish my homework.
انا احتاج لانهاء واجبي=من المهم بالنسبه لي انهاء واجبي
She needs to go home early =It is important for her to go home early.
هي تحتاج للعوده للمنزل مبكرا =من المهم بالنسبه لها العوده مبكرا الي المدرسه
They need to participate in the completion =It is important for them to participate in the competition.
هم يحتاجوا للمشاركه في المسابقه= من المهم بالنسبه لهم المشاركه في المسابقه
In conclusion,There is no actual difference between ''Must '' and '' have to ''.You can use him as you want.''Must not'' means that there will be consequences,and it is obligated .'' Do /Does not have to '' means that There will be not consequences.We use '' Need to '' when we want to say something is important for us.It is not obligated at all .
Oxford Guide To English Grammar by John Eastwood
Advanced Grammar In Use
Oxford Guide To English Grammar by John Eastwood
Advanced Grammar In Use
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