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American Slang Words 10 |
10 American Slang Words. عشره كلمات لغه عاميه امريكيه
1)Bad mouth
You use this word when someone says bad things about someone ,or insults another one. Moreover,you can you use it when someone libels another one.It is considered verb and noun .
تستخدم هذه الكلمه عندما شخص ما يتحدث بصوره سيئه او يهين شخص اخر .وايضا عندما يقوم بالتشهير به
Mike bad mouthed his cousin.He always hates him.
Do not bad mouth your teacher again,or I will punish you.
2) Basket Case
We use it when someone get mad ,hopeless and depressed because of situation.
تسخدم عندما يجن شخص او يكون فاقد الامل او مكتئب.
After he had got fired from his job,he became a basket case.
*why does he look basket case ?
-Because his mother died yesterday.
We use this word to describe someone who is fashionable,stylish.
تستخدم هذه الكلمه عندما تريد ان تصف شخصا ما علي انه انيق و يرتدي ملابس اخر صيحه (شيك)
All girls like him because he is chic.
If you want to impress her,you have to be chic.
This slang word does not mean hen .It is used when you want to describe someone as coward ,or when someone can not defend himself.It is also used when someone escapes from situation instead of facing it .It is considered noun and verb.
تستخدم هذه الكلمه لوصف شخص علي انه جبان ولا يستطيع الدفاع عن نفسه ويقوم بالهرب في المواقف دون مواجهتها .
You have to face your fear ,do not be chicken.
He was about to admit to her ,but he chickened at the last moment.
5)Cut And Dry
We use this slang word when something is obvious and clear .There is no need to give more explanation .Anyone can understand it easily.
تستخدم هذه الكلمه عندما تريد ان توضح ان شيئ ما واضح جدا .ولا يحتاج الي اي تفسير.
This is the plan .I think it is cut and dry.
*Are you stupid?
-It is cut and dry.
When you want to describe something risky and dangerous.You can say it is dicey.There is an idioms has the same meaning '' Dice with death''.This word is considered adjective.
تستخدم هذه الكلمه للتعبير عن شيء خطير جدا .(علي كف عفريت)
What are you doing ?It is dicey.
Do not stay in the red zone.It is dicey.
We use this word when we talk about someone weak .This one can not defend himself.He always get abused by others,and faces bullying.
تستخدم هذه الكلمه عندما تجد شخص ضعيف ولا يستطيع حمايه نفسه.ويواجع العديد من التنمر.(غلبان)
Stop being a doormat,or you will get insulted forever.
Go away from me ! I do not like doormats.
This slang word means the police.
تساوي هذه الكلمه كلمه الشرطه في المعني.
Look Fuzz is here.
Why are you so afraid of fuzz ?
You can use this word when you find someone who is always get blamed for everything goes wrong whether he did or not .We can considered this one as goat.
تستخدم هذه الكلمه عنجما نصف الشخص الذي دائما يتعرض للوم سواء كان مذنب او لا
I am tired of being a goat.It is not my mistake.
You make him a goat of your faults.
You use this word when you borrow something from someone,or when you find something.
تستخدم هذه الكلمه عندما تريد ان تستعير شيئ ما من شخص ما.او تجد ذلك الشيئ.
I get enough from him.He grubs my tools everyday.
The Oxford Dictionary Of Modern Slang by John Ayto And John Simpson.
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